Online sport marathon for Playgendary employees


Organize sport team-building for remote employees

Run online sport marathon for employees' teams with valuable prizes
About the project
During 21 days participants of the marathon trained in teams in 4 disciplines: running, walking, swimming and cycling. The task of the teams was to get maximum points during the marathon
Tracking the results
Participants guiding
Coach support
For tracking each participant's results we used a fitness tracker Strava synchronized with an account on the competition's online platform. This way we ensured comfortable and fair competition for the participants, enabling them to train in usual conditions using their smartphones or fitness trackers
A special Slack channel was launched for this marathon. There were published interesting facts about the workouts and information about the marathon. The participants also shared their results and unique walking routes
A professional coach was supporting the participants throughout the marathon. He told them about marathon rules and author's challenges for the teams. The participants were able to get extra points for taking a creative photo in the manner of Ancient Greek sculptures, coming up with a difficult exercise or taking a team photo
Event website
One month before the marathon we launched a website in Playgendary games style. The participants were able to learn important information about the marathon, its rules, challenges from the coach and prizes. For employees' convenience a FAQ block was also created

Starting from the onset of the pandemic, we have effectively executed a range of virtual project formats.

The result
13 teams
Total distance — 20 000 km
10 620 км
7 500 км
1 830 км
40 км
Interesting fact
One of the marathon participants cycled 201 km in a night