«Turnkey» branding package: from signature style to presentations templates

Maxim Dmitrov, our client, friend and CEO of the Cave company applied to our agency. The task was simple: reconsider the visual concept of the brand, its logo, brandbook, presentations templates and the company's website. We describe all this below, but one thing at a time.
Minimalistic, strict, with own character. The logo concept reflects the main principles of the Cave clothes brand shop.
We decided not to use illustrative images in the logo. Delete the unnecessary, focus on the important.
Brandbook was created in addition to the logo. It is the guidance on the use of corporate graphic images. Everything that concerns the correct usage of the logo, fonts and colors is described in one document.
Presentation template is something that every employee will need. Now you do not need to annoy the designer so that he beautifully makes up a commercial proposal or prepares a simple presentation containing a few slides. Now you can do it yourself using a convenient template.
Presentation template
Of course, the website of the Cave brand was also redesigned. This is what the client faces first, that is why it is important to focus the attention of the user on the most important. We got rid of the visual noise, structured the information and improved the coding.
Do you want to open a business? We can help you with the marketing packaging of your brand and advise you on where to register your company